Blended STCW Basic Training

When starting my company offering STCW courses, I found many individuals who needed their STCW Basic Training, a five-day commitment, had financial and time restrains when booking this required course. That led me to investigate how could we help solve this problem. With e-learning becoming a popular choice for many, I thought why not for us? Why can’t we replace the 3-day classroom time to e-learning? This would also benefit myself as a new business owner and could give us the flexibility to offer it in more locations than one.

That’s just what we did, and to our surprise, new crew and even those needing revalidations, have many more options with two-day practical’s in Orlando, Cape Canaveral, Clearwater, and even Fort Lauderdale. For larger companies, we have the freedom to now offer at location of their choice saving extra hotel and travel costs. It’s a win win for all!